Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Small and simple things

Well, I did it! I actually finished reading a book. A small miracle. Know how I did it? I picked a short, manageable one, and then I stuck it in my truck and read a few pages each day as I was waiting in the carpool line at my little boy's school. Yeah, baby! So, I say, "Eat your heart out!" to the leaning tower of unread/half-finished, long-winded self-help books on my nightstand. I just finished a beautiful, elegant, yet small and simple one. And I loved it:

Small and Simple Things by Marjorie Pay Hinckley
Actually, I swiped the idea to read this book from Jacy's original journey on her old blog. I also saw a post by Nora this past weekend that reflected the same idea of slowing down and enjoying the simple things in life, and it touched my heart. (By the way, I happen to have the honor of knowing Nora personally, and she has an amazing talent for this.)

Life is hard. But. I'm trying to stop. Listen. Smell the air. Breathe in my little boys. Hold them. Stand still in time and just be. A lot of days, this book has reminded me how to do that.

Toward the end, there was a passage that has really stuck with me and helped me lately. So, I figured I'd share it:

We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives.
We have to decide what's important 
and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us.
We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove something.
We have to learn to be content with what we are.

Thank you for the reminder, sweet Sister Hinckley. :)

photo credit

1 comment:

  1. You are SO kind. So loving. So full of good things, amazing talents, sweet words, passion for beauty and truth. You will make it through. I am so glad you finished this book--it's such a great read.
    I love you!!
