Sunday, February 3, 2013

Talk to the kids about it

Isn't that what you talk to your kids about while they are snacking after school? During dead time in the car? For bedtime stories? At FHE? If not, then when?

photo source

Does this sound ludicrous to you? Maybe it does. But ...

Maybe you feel like I did--you don't know how to talk to your kids about porn.

There are tools out there, though. And we can help each other find them. Below is a short, non-overwhelming list of materials that I've found so far. Preview some of them. Take a few moments to read an article with a child. Maybe even use one of these materials as a ready-made family-home-evening lesson for a mature enough audience (after discussing with your spouse, of course). Have something to add that's geared toward a juvenile audience? Let's say ... for ages 18 and under? Leave it in my "comments" section! By all means!

For Young Children:
"The Decision" - The Friend, 1994
Safety Kids, Volume 3, "Protect Their Minds"
(I will be doing a spotlight on Safety Kids soon.)

For Teens:

Think your children are too young? Don't "KID" yourself! Children are never too young to teach basic principles like "Keep your mind clean," and "Tell your Mommy if you see something that makes you feel bad inside." Keep it simple, people. You have to start somewhere. Start now.

If you don't bring it up first, maybe Bobby on the playground will. Or maybe his big brother will try to show him porn on the bus. Just a thought.

"My parents have taught my little brother and sisters and me about what President Hinckley said about pornography. He said we should avoid it like the plague. On my way home from school one day, two of my friends sat by me on the bus. One boy had his phone, and he got on the Internet to find pictures of girls who were not dressed. I told him I would not look at the pictures. He tried to sneak the phone in front of my face. I said, 'No!' and closed my eyes. The rest of the way home I looked out the window. I know I did the right thing that day."


  1. Thanks for the post and links:) I agree, we need to tell them early. We started talking to our kids at age 8. My youngest we talk about what is appropriate and what isn't. He is slowly catching on.

  2. Here's a Pinterest board with some more resources, fwiw.

  3. Thanks for these recommendations. I agree that the talking needs to start early, because they are curious little creatures and, like you said, little Bobby might be telling them something on the playground. It astounds me how many parents will talk about anything BUT sex when it comes to their children. Out of all my friends growing up, only my parents talked to me about the birds and the bees. My friends had to find out on their own!
